“Many of us are familiar with the tale of Victor Frankenstein. He was a Swiss scientist who went through terrible tragedy. He wanted to take something lifeless and bring it to life, so he created this huge, lifeless entity that he named after himself, Frankenstein. The lifeless creature came to life through electric currents, and it became a beast. The tragedy of Frankenstein is that after he was created, after his lifelessness was given life, after he went from nothing to something, he turned on his creator and made him a victim. Victor Frankenstein suffered because of his own creation.
God found us when we were dead in our trespasses and sins. He created us, found us, shared the Gospel with us, saved us, and gave us new, eternal life. But many of us have become Frankenstein Christians. We've turned on our Creator and rather than living for Him, we want to live on our own and turn against Him. There is only one reason you and I are here: for His purpose. Until that becomes a life decision and a daily orientation, we will simply exist and never get around to real living. If you are ready to live for His purpose, you need only tell Him. Make His purpose your own, and you will find the richest, deepest meaning in life. His purpose will drive you to live life in the fullness of His great love each and every day”.
By Tony Evans
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