1: a representation or symbol of an object of worship; broadly: a false god
2 a: a likeness of something obsolete: pretender, imposter
3: a form or appearance visible but without substance
4: an object of extreme devotion
5: a false conception: fallacy
“If you love anything better than God you are idolaters: if there is anything you would not give up for God it is your idol: if there is anything that you seek with greater fervor than you seek the glory of God, that is your idol, and conversion means a turning from every idol.”
–Charles H. Spurgeon
Can I ask do you have any Idols in your life? My life before I came to Christ, I had many idols. I want to give you a list of my idols and I want you to see and exam your life to see if you have any idols. First, I broke the first and second commandment, you shall have no other gods before me and you shall not make for yourself an idol. For twenty five years of my life I was my god. I served “Myself” and did not want to submit to the God of the Bible. I wanted to serve a God that all “loved” and all “Forgiving” that suited my needs. If you examine what I just said, the God I was creating, it was breaking that second commandment, because that God doesn’t exist. It was a figment of my imagination. Second, I would like to submit now that the God of the Bible has those two attributes that I just mentioned, but he was so many other attributes. He was “Holy” I could go for pages about the Holiness of God. Next, he was “Just”, he demanded complete perfect Justice. Then, he was full of “Wrath”, he hates Sin. Then, he was “Righteous” he could do no wrong. Next, he was full of “Mercy” and “Loving-kindness”. Those are the major attributes of God and I just wanted to clarify that before we went on.
Now that we established the beginning, lets move on to my previous idols in my life. Growing up, I loved sports and basketball. For 15 some years, I told many people that “Ms. Spalding” was my god. (She really was!) Ms. Spalding was my name of my basketball. I thought about her, desired her, and lived for her and where she would take me. Then, when I got into my college years, the weekend god was my idol. I lived for Friday nights and Saturday nights. I served the Bing-beer god. I coveted her for a good 10 years of my life. Next, it was the lake-god. For 5 some years, I earned for going to the lake and relaxing and serving her. I lived for her each week. Do you see who I was serving? May I ask have you ever or are serving any of these idols? It wasn’t until my mid-twenties that I surrendered over my gods and repented of those idols and started to serve the “Living-God (Jesus Christ)” and trusted in his sacrifice for my sins personally. I started to read my Bible and obey its teaching and commit my life totally to Jesus Christ my Savior. Have you repented & trusted Christ yet? He will make you a new creation from the inside out. He did it for me and guess what; he is waiting for you to do it too. Listen to that, you hear that, it was another breath of air that he gave you. He is waiting for you to Repent. He just gave you another second of air. He is waiting. But one day your breath will be too late. The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but for all to come to repentance “2 peter 3:9”. So, I plead with you now that you have read this, go and make a list on a piece of paper all your idols. Then, offer all them over to god to crush them and serve him the rest of your life. He wants to save you from them and His wrath that he will pour on you when you die, if you are not in Christ Jesus. He promises. But he is full of loving-kindness and mercy, but is waiting for you to come serve him ALONE! He is a Jealous God and the One True God. He is the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last and no other. I have committed, now until I die I will continue to fight these idols and continue to put my hand over their mouths!
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