Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Have you ever wondered why a jehovah witness always talks about his Religion as much as he can?

I use to sit right next to and work with a jehovah witness. He would always talk about his religion at work. Have you ever asked why they are doing that? Well, I just found out by a friend of mine that was a jehovah witness and the reason they do that is to daily log it into his log tracking for the week. You see this religion is based on works. They must continue to work out there salvation for jehovah and their governing body the watchtower society. My co-worker would always talk about what watchtower says on behalf of jehovah. He would try to make conversation with anyone or just speak to anyone. Well, for those who were wondering about why they do this, is because it helps their elder's see how much "preaching their doctrine" to lost souls that are not JW's. As a born-again Christian, I get very righteously angered by them spewing out lies and deceiving other people about a false gospel and a false god they call jehovah. There founder of this organization was Charles T. Russell. He was a baptist growing up and was a unconverted Christian that got mad about the doctrine of hell. So, he started a magazine called the "Watchtower Publican". Now it's called the "Watchtower society Organization based out of New York". When they come to your door they will ask you if you want to have a bible study. But it's not a bible study they want to get with you, it's a deception to get you to listen to their false doctrine about God. They will hand you a watchtower magazine that will have all the theology of the watchtower society. They will incorporate in bible verses that will make you think it is Christian, but it's a deception that will indoctrinate you with becoming a jehovah witness. If you have not used any discernment regarding them before, I would recommend you read your Bible on your own and wish them a good bye and pray they will get out of that cult some day and find the true and living God, that is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

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