It has been my joy to serve this vibrant assembly as shepherd since the fall of 1989. Through the years, and by God's grace alone, my love for the flock and our enthusiasm to serve the Lord together has never waned. We are thrilled with the work to which God has called us and look to the future with great anticipation.
It is our purpose as a church to magnify the splendor of the triune God - to esteem, enjoy, and love him with all our hearts. We press toward this goal as a spiritual community bound together by Christian love, fueled by the Holy Spirit, and focused upon the evangelistic mission to which Jesus calls his people.
It is our emphasis as an assembly to promote a God-centered orientation in which his Word is preached, taught, sung and honored as the final, and fully-sufficient, authority. We strive as an assembly to earnestly defend the apostolic faith against false doctrine and to announce and obey the truth of God's Word with compassion, relevance, and vibrant joy.
Please know that the information we share on this website is offered humbly in a spirit of thanksgiving to God. It is not our desire to use this medium to promote ourselves, but to magnify God's greatness and goodness while proving helpful to those interested in the work to which he has called us by his sovereign will.
To God Alone the Glory!
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