Friday, May 4, 2007

Do you THINK YOU will go to Heaven? Let's See Shall We?

God has Fixed a day in which He will judge the world in Righteousness. Let's first examine God's Attributes. God is Holy, that means No Sin. He is Perfect, No error or falseness in Him. God is Just and Good, that means he is not corrupt or wrong. God is Full of Wrath and hates Sin. He is Full of Loving Kindness and Mercy and has tremendous Grace. So lets go to your judgement day shall we? First, I want to show you a mirror how God sees you. God's mirror he tells us is his 10 commandments. First, Have you ever told a lie? Yes, What do you call a person if they tell a lie? Liar... Have you ever stolen anything, even small or as a child? Yes, What do you call a person who steals? A Thief. Have you ever tooks God's name in Vain? Yes, Thats called Blasphemy. Very Serious God says he who takes his name in Vain will not leave him unpunished who takes His name in vain. Have you ever put God first in your Life? No, thats breaking the first commandment. So with your own admission... Your a liar, theif blasphemer idolator at heart. If God should judge you according to the 10 commandments, would you be innocent or guilty? As James 2:10 says, whoever breaks one commandment is guilty of all. So with that said, So as a Guilty Sinner the mirror of the 10 commandments shows your conidition. You are fealthy, dirty full of Sin Sinner and if God is Good and Just he must punish the guilty. Another way to put it is... Say you are standing before a Judge and the verdict is in, you are guilty of the crime and the Judge asks you is there anything you want to say? You say to the judge, I'm sorry of the crimes I committed but, if the Judge is good and not corrupt as the Judge of the World, do you think he would let that guilty man go? No... But their is a fine for the crime. The Bible says all liars and blaphemer's will have there part in the Lake of Fire that is Hell. So, we have a dilemma don't we? So, if God should judge me according to the 10 commandments and I'm guilty of breaking them I would end of going to hell.... Yikes, that concerns me and it should concern you too! But you know what God did so I would not have to go to hell? He came to earth as born from a virgin, live a perfect sinless life, died a HORRIBLE Death on the Cross, and Rose 3 days later to conquer Death. He is ALIVE today and to prove that he has given us his Word (the Bible) and their was over 500 witnesses that seen him after he rose from the dead. Plus 12 apostles died Terrible Sacrifical deaths to testify the Truth of what Jesus had Risen. So, lets go back to the court room. We are guilty of the crime and the judge is about to pass judgement and all of the sudden a man walks into the court room and says I will Pay for the Fine of this man, and he can go free. The Bible says that Jesus Christ on the Cross did that 2000 years ago and conquered death to give us Life. That is the Good News, so we don't have to go to Hell. Have you ever wondered why that "Good News" was called that? But he commands that you Repent from your Sins and Trust in Him Alone. What he did on the Cross was for you. You must Humble yourself and Believe in what Jesus did for you on the Cross Personally. He did for your SINS there at Calvary. What a Amazing God 100 percent Man and 100 percent God as the incarnate God-Man Jesus Christ. May you come to Salvation today. Take that test. Open your Bible up to Exodus chapter 20 and take the 10 commandments test and see how you do. Don't let your Pride get in the way and answer them honestly. We deserve Hell and Judgement from God, but by his AMAZING Mercy and Grace we get to Live on his Clock and his grace, because he has fixed a day that he will judge us according to what we do with this life to glorify HIM ALONE or the time we waste on ourself. Check this out, Nature listens to Him, Stars listen to Him, Oceans listen to him, but Humanity has gone estray and has did there own thing. He commands all men and women to REPENT and put their Faith and Trust in Jesus Christ Alone. It's like this, you are in a airplane, their is a para-shoot and its offered to you and you know the plane is going done. What would you do? Would you just believe in the para-shoot that it's there or would you put it on? You would put it on. Just like the Bible says to put on the Lord Jesus Christ that he Will save you from the crash to come that is death. So you will live!!! Life is only is Jesus Christ. You must Repent, that means 1.) Agree with God you are going the wrong way. 2.) Stop and Apologize to God 3.)Turn Around from your sin and live for God 4.)Go the other way 5.)Not to stop till you get there. Name a food that you love? Now, you know that food is going to kill you cause it is full of poison. Would you eat it anymore? No. The reason you stop is, you know you will die if you eat it. That is repentance. You must repent of the sin in your life and give your life to God. Once you do that the Bible says you will become Born-Again and a new person. God will give you a NEW Heart full of the Holy Spirit and your desires to please HIM will grow. You will grow in righteousness and want to glorify God. Read Galatians 5:22 and the fruits of the spirit if you are growing or not. May you examine yourself and by God's grace give you a New Heart! I pray for you!!!!

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