Thursday, April 12, 2007

Exposing Jehovah Witness Doctrine

Jehovah's Witness at Your Door
Doctrinal Differences

The Trinity
They Say: There is no Trinity - Let God be True, p. 100-101; Make Sure of All Things p. 386.
The Church Says: The doctrine of the Trinity is Biblically based. (Matthew 28:19; John 14:26; John 15:26; 2 Corinthians 13:14; 1 Peter 1:2)

The Holy Spirit
They Say: The Holy Spirit is God's impersonal active force - The Watchtower, June 1, 1952, p. 24
The Church Says: The Holy Spirit is not impersonal. (John 14:26; John 16:13 ; Acts 10:19)
Jesus and Michael
They Say: Jesus was Michael the archangel who became a man, Jehovah's first creation was his 'only-begotten Son' and was used by Jehovah in creating all other things - Aid to Bible Understanding, pp. 390-391. The Watchtower, May 15, 1963, p. 307; The New Word, 284.
The Church Says: Jesus is the Creator not a created being. (John 1:1-3; 1 Corinthians 8:6; Colossians 1:15-17)
The Resurrection
They Say: Jesus did not rise from the dead in his physical body - Awake! July 22, 1973, p. 4.
The Church Says: Jesus did rise in Body. (Luke 24:36; 1 Corinthians 15:3-8;John 20:24-29)
The Cross
They Say: Jesus did not die on a cross but on a stake - The Truth Shall Make You Free, p. 300.
The Church Says: Jesus was crucified on a cross. (John 19:17-19 ; 1 Corinthians 1:18)
Those Who Will Be Saved
They Say: Only their church members will be saved - The Watchtower, Feb. 15, 1979, p. 30.
The Church Says: Whoever believes that Jesus is Lord will be saved. (John 3:16 John 14:4-6; Romans 3:23-26)
They Say: There is no hell of fire where the wicked are punished - Let God be True, p. 79, 60.
The Church Says: All who deny Jesus as Lord will one day know first hand there is a Hell. (Matthew 25:41; Mark 9:44; Rev. 1:17-18; 20:10, 14-15; 21:8)
Those Who Will Enter Heaven
They Say: Only 144,000 Jehovah's Witness go to heaven - Reasoning from the Scriptures, 1985, pp. 166-167, 361; Let God be True, p 121.
The Church Says: All who believe that Jesus is Lord will enter into Heaven.(John 14:1-5, 23; Matthew 16:19)
Here are some other beliefs they practice:
Blood transfusions are a sin.
The soul ceases to exist after death.
They refuse to vote.
They will not salute the flag.
They will not sing the "Star Spangled Banner."
They do not celebrate Christmas or birthdays.
Their leadership will not allow them to serve in the armed forces.
Those that leave the organization are known as apostates. Jehovah's Witnesses cannot talk to them or even greet them on the street.
For many years it was taught that Blacks were that color as a result of God's curse on Canaan.
Lying is part of "theocratic war strategy." A Jehovah's Witness can lie to someone if they are not entitled to know the truth.
Periodically Jehovah's Witness doctrine will change. This is known as "new light."
Are these the guidelines that an Awesome, Gracious, Merciful, Loving, All Knowing God, would give you? NOT!
Jehovah's Witnesses are trained in the art of verbal battle. Do not engage them. Pray first and share the scriptures verse by verse, point by point. Share in stern love, you will disarm them.
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. 1 Peter 3:15
Defend Your Faith With The Word!
All Scripture Is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. 2 Timothy. 3:16
Cite This Page:
As Chosen to Serve Ministries. Jehovah's Witness at Your Door. Blue Letter Bible. 19 Aug. 2002.
12 Apr 2007..


matt said...

Hey, why don't you post the church documents that state why those scriptures support the trinity? Kind of dishonest since JW's use Scriptures in the publications you referenced. Be honest and you will be more convincing.

ApollyMan said...

Matt my friend... I would not state something on my blog if it wasn't honest and full of truth. If you haven't studied up on the JW's, they tell you they are Biblically based, but later on you find out they are not. They are controlled by their Mother Organization Body called the Theocratic Government..aka the Watchtower Society. They mislead people thinking they are Biblical, but they are a cult. The "Church" is the Bride of Christ (that is All Born-Again Christians, as regenerated sinners converted Believers to serve Jesus Christ ALONE). That is the difference Matt. We as the Born-Again Christians follow the Bible as God's Word ALONE. We don't need a Organization Publication outside the Bible to interpret God's Word. For the word of God (the Bible) is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart (Hebrews 4:12 NASB).

matt said...

I have been to different chirches and the only one where scriptures are regularly referenced throughout the entire service every time was the JW kingdom hall.

I am currrently one of JW's.

Tell me this. If my soul is immortal and I have heaven or hell to look forward to, Then why does Ezekiel tell me that my soul will die for sinning (18:4) and Solomon says death = unconsciousness Eccl. 9:5.

ApollyMan said...

Matt my friend… First, have you ever been to a Bible-Believing Preaching Baptist church? Start there! Most Liberal Churches these days don’t use the Bible. They rely tremendously on tradition and vain repetitious worship. (The motions of worship, without understanding what is going on). You have to use discernment at any church you attend. Go to one of my favorite links: then scroll down on the home page and it’s on the left column “How to Find a Good Church”
Looking for a good church? Here are almost 25 questions that will save you a lot of Sundays. How long have you been a JW? Is your family too? What mainly Cults do to make you believe what they want you to believe is Twist Scripture to fit their Belief. As in the verses you mentioned. To first understanding Scripture, you have to use Hermeneutics. You need to read the CONTEXT of the PASSAGE. Start with the Chapter Before and then the Chapter After. What the Watchtower Society will do is, tell their follower’s to read “JUST THIS VERSE”. They never read it in the context. If you have talked to an ex-JW the reason they leave the Organization is they ask questions and they read their Bible on their own. MATT READ IN CONTEXT, CONTEXT, CONTEXT MATT! Ezekiel is right. In Chapter 18:4 the soul who sins shall die. God holds each individual accountable for his own sin. Romans 6:23 tells us, “For the wages of Sin is death. But God provided a way out of eternal death by offering YOU MATT a Gift… to those who receive (Trust and Repent of all Sins) the Gift of God is Eternal Life in Jesus Christ(by Putting ALL their FAITH AND TRUST IN HIM ALONE) our Lord! Next, is the classic misused Ecclesiastes verse! Let’s start with the Context Matt, what is Solomon talking about first? I will lay it out for ya in an outline ok? A.) Introduction on this section of Ecclesiastes – The Problem of Not Knowing (6:10-12) B.) Man Cannot Always Find Out Which Route is the Most Successful for Him to Take because his wisdom is limited (7:1-8:17) 1.)On prosperity and adversity (7:1-14) 2.)On justice and wickedness (7:15-24) 3.)On women and folly (7:25-29) 4.)On the wise man and the king (8:1-17) C.) Man Does Not Know What Will Come After Him (9:1-11:6) 1.) He knows he will die (9:1-4) 2.) He has no knowledge in the grave (9:5-10) 3.) He does not know his time of death (9:11,12) 4.) He does not know what will happen (9:13-10:15) 5.) He does not know what evil will come (10:16-11:2) 6.) He does now know what good will come (11:3-6) D.) Man Should Enjoy Life, but not Sin, Because Judgment Will come to ALL (11:7-12:8) Last Solomon’s Final Advice (12:9-14). Matt, once you read the Bible in Context, it will make sense. God’s Word is Final Authority and is Sufficient and all you need. Matt, God is full of Grace and Mercy and is waiting for All Sinners to Repent, because he has fixed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness (Acts 17:31) Matt, for it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment.(Hebrews 9:27). A challenge I would like to offer you to think about: First think of all you sins, just think it we could put a micro chip recorder behind your ear and it could record everything you did for that week. Every dirty thought, every swear word, every thing that doesn’t place God first in your life, so forth. Now, next let’s gather your whole family around and watch that video chip on T.V. Interesting huh, Think of your Sins, next I challenge you to think of Jesus Christ dying on the Cross (or torture stake) for your Sins. It should break you and Crush you inside. He died for a filthy Sinner like me! Wow, what a God, what a Savior. All I have to say Matt to you is, your Salvation starts at the Golgotha and the foot of Jesus Dying for you. He will save you if you humble your Heart and search for him. He will make you a new person with new desires. You will no longer do what you want to do and you will want to grow for him and seek for righteousness. Amen!